YR Spoilers Shock Nick and Faith find out the truth- Sharon is being harmed by the doctor with drugs

In this gripping episode of *The Young and the Restless*, Nick Newman senses something is seriously wrong with Sharon.

Once a beacon of positivity, Sharon has become irritable and withdrawn, her mood swings alarming her loved ones.

Nick and their daughter Faith are determined to uncover the truth behind Sharon’s distress.

Faith, recently back in Genoa City, teams up with Nick to observe Sharon closely.

They notice her strained interactions, including Adam withdrawing his request for her to care for his son, Connor, due to her erratic behavior.

As Nick searches Sharon’s home for clues, he discovers several bottles of medication.

The sheer volume of pills raises his suspicion, and a closer look reveals they are powerful neuroleptic drugs, not typical for managing diabetes. Alarm bells ring in Nick’s mind as he realizes these medications are inappropriate for Sharon and could be causing severe psychological side effects.

Nick consults a medical professional who confirms his fears: the drugs are suppressing Sharon’s central nervous system and causing harmful side effects. It becomes evident that Sharon is being poisoned, not by accident, but deliberately. Nick and Faith are horrified to think that Sharon’s doctor, someone they trusted, could be harming her on purpose. They resolve to gather evidence against the doctor.

Faith digs up information about the doctor, revealing him to be Dr. Gregory Larson, a disgraced psychiatrist with a history of unethical behavior. He had his license revoked in another state and appears to have targeted Sharon for personal gain. Further investigation uncovers a shocking motive: years ago, Dr. Larson’s brother lost everything due to a failed business deal involving Newman Enterprises. Consumed by bitterness and seeking revenge, Dr. Larson aimed to hurt Nick and, by extension, Victor Newman, through Sharon.

Nick, armed with evidence, confronts Dr. Larson in his office. The confrontation turns explosive, with Nick landing a punch on the doctor. “You think you can mess with my family and get away with it?” Nick snarls. With Dr. Larson subdued, Nick explains everything to Sharon, from the misdiagnosis to the deliberate poisoning. Though shaken, Sharon feels a wave of relief. She stops taking the medications and begins her recovery, supported by her family.

The fallout is immense. Dr. Larson is arrested and charged with malpractice, assault, and attempted murder, his reputation in tatters. Sharon’s recovery, bolstered by her family’s unwavering support, is a testament to her resilience. As she regains her health and stability, Sharon vows never to let herself be so vulnerable again.

Nick and Faith’s relentless pursuit of the truth not only saves Sharon but reaffirms the strength and unity of their family. Victor praises them for their bravery and tenacity. Sharon, standing strong once more, resumes her role as a loving mother and trusted friend, with a renewed appreciation for those who stood by her.

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