Y&R Spoilers Kyle discovers he is not Jack and Diane’s biological son – refuses to return to Jabot

In the tranquil setting of Genoa City, where the Abbott family had long been a pillar of power and prestige, an undercurrent of turmoil was beginning to unravel the delicate fabric of their relationships.

At the heart of this storm was Kyle Abbott, a man who had always believed in the strength of his family ties only to discover that the foundation upon which his identity was built was nothing more than a fragile illusion.

Diane Jenkins, Kyle’s mother, had recently returned to Genoa City with a singular goal: to repair the fractured relationship with her son after years of estrangement and the manifold mistakes she had made.

Diane was determined to make amends. She knew that her decision to fire Kyle from Jabot had been a grave error, one that had driven a wedge between them. But it wasn’t just the professional rift that concerned her; it was the emotional chasm that had grown wider with each passing day. Diane was desperate to bridge that gap, but little did she know that the true reason for Kyle’s distance had nothing to do with his job but rather with a secret that had been hidden from him for his entire life.

The secret was one that Diane and Jack had guarded closely for years, a truth they had believed would remain buried forever. But now that truth had come to light, and the consequences were more devastating than they could have ever imagined. Kyle had discovered that he was not, in fact, the biological son of Jack Abbott and Diane Jenkins. The real son, their biological child, had tragically died shortly after birth. In their grief and desperation, Diane and Jack had made the heart-wrenching decision to adopt a child in secret, one who could fill the void left by their loss. That child was Kyle, who had been raised as an Abbott with all the privileges and expectations that came with the name.

For years they had lived with the lie, convincing themselves that it was in Kyle’s best interest. However, the truth had a way of surfacing, and when Kyle stumbled upon it, the world he knew was shattered. He was not the heir to the Abbott fortune, not the biological son of Jack Abbott. Everything he had believed about himself was a lie. The revelation hit Kyle like a ton of bricks. It wasn’t just the fact that he was adopted; it was the way it had been hidden from him, the deceit woven into the very fabric of his life. His feelings of betrayal were overwhelming. The parents he had loved and trusted had kept this monumental truth from him, and he couldn’t understand why. Why had they chosen to keep him in the dark? Why had they made him live a lie?

Diane, sensing that something was deeply wrong with Kyle, approached him, trying once again to mend the relationship that was slipping further and further out of her grasp. She knew that firing him had been a mistake, but she didn’t realize the true depth of Kyle’s pain. She pleaded with him to give her a chance, to let her make things right.

Kyle, Diane began, her voice trembling with emotion, I know I’ve made mistakes, terrible mistakes. But I’m ready to do whatever it takes to make it up to you. Please, just give me a chance.

Kyle’s response was cold, his eyes filled with a mixture of anger and sorrow. It’s too late, Diane, he said, refusing to call her mom. The distance in his voice was like a dagger to Diane’s heart.

Why? she asked, her voice barely a whisper. Why won’t you let me try to fix this?

Kyle looked away, his jaw clenched. He didn’t want to say it, didn’t want to unleash the hurt that was boiling inside him, but he knew he had to. They needed to know that the truth had finally come out.

I know the truth, he said, his voice flat, devoid of emotion. I know that I’m not your son. I know that your real child died, and you—you replaced him with me.

The room seemed to go silent as the weight of his words hung in the air. Diane felt her knees buckle, and she had to grip the back of a chair to steady herself. Jack, who had been standing nearby, felt the blood drain from his face.

Kyle, Jack started, his voice shaking, we…

How could you? Kyle interrupted, his voice rising with emotion. How could you lie to me my whole life? I trusted you, both of you, and you—you let me live a lie.

Kyle, please, Diane begged, tears streaming down her face. We did it because we loved you. We didn’t want to hurt you.

Hurt me? Kyle repeated, incredulous. You think keeping this from me was protecting me? All you did was make me live a life that wasn’t mine. I don’t even know who I am anymore.

Jack tried to step in, his heart breaking at the sight of his son, his adopted son, in so much pain. We were going to tell you, Kyle. We just… we didn’t know how. And then, as time went on, it just became harder and harder.

Kyle shook his head, backing away from both of them. I don’t want to hear your excuses. You had years to tell me, but you didn’t.

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