Why Robyn Brown Is Really Crying Over ‘Sister Wives’ Loss – The Shocking Reason Is Revealed!

Is there a deeper reason as to why Robyn Brown is crying over the Sister Wives loss?

She has claimed that she only wanted to love polygamy and this is not the family she married into anymore.

Yet, is there another reason why losing wives makes Robyn break down? Read on for more details.

Why Robyn Brown Is Really Crying Over Sister Wives Loss

Robyn Brown has been taking her sister wives leaving to heart and crying constantly.

First, Christine Brown left the plural family in 2021. Of course, Robyn gossiped with first wife, Meri Brown about it and alleged she had no idea there was anything wrong between Christine and Kody Brown. Then, she backtracked and tried to say there had been problems when they were all living in Vegas. At the same time, she maintained Christine should have stayed and worked it out. With second wife, Janelle Brown, Robyn always believed that Kody wanted to work things out and it was the wives who were unwilling.

Kody Brown/YouTube

Now, Meri is putting her foot down and seeing the light. She will finally opt out of the family and, of course, this has crushed Robyn’s dreams. All she wanted was to be on the porch with her sister wives when they were old in rocking chairs, watching the grandkids. However, a Reddit thread was started to discuss the upcoming episode, airing Sunday, November 19th. Fans think that there is more to why Robyn was crying over losing her sister wives than meets the eye.

Robyn Brown-YouTube
Robyn Brown-YouTube

It seems that Redditors think that Robyn Brown broke down over the idea of losing money.

  • Also the only reason robyn was “crying” I really believe that she thinks about how losing the wife’s money will effect her and that’s why she’s always able to fake cry
  • And Robyn. I really believe the only reason Robyn cares to keep Meri around is for the money. If Meri didn’t bring in extra money or contribute to the family pot, Robyn would have no problem kicking her to the curb.
  • Crying because the money is leaving.


Kody and Robyn Brown supposedly are not good with money, according to the Sister Wives children. They also like to go on lavish shopping sprees and Robyn came into the family with immense debt. There was also speculation as to why Kody Brown sold three of his precious vehicles. So, seeing the wives drop like flies could scare Robyn into thinking the money could be gone and she would have nothing. However, she was the only sister wife to hire a nanny and purchase a lavish home. So, she might need to make some minor adjustments.

Why do you think Robyn Brown is really crying? Let us know and watch Sister Wives Sundays on TLC.

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