HEARTBREAKING UPDATE!!! Y&R Recap: Sharon is taken aback when she sees Nick and Phyllis holding hands, while Lily accuses Devon of sabotage.

Tues June 25, 2024: Today on Young and Restless, Lucy reassures her parents that she’s content with

the settlement terms, Phyllis informs Nick of her intentions to seek karmic retribution, and Sharon offers

more advice to Faith.

Monday’s recap: Following Diane’s threat to fire him, Kyle proposes to work for Victor on the condition that he lets go of Audra, while Katie expresses her desire for Claire to leave.

(This day ahead recap episode airs in the USA on June 25. Expect spoilers! Recaps go live by 4:15 PM EST daily.)

At Sharon’s place, Faith is taken aback to see her mom doing her laundry.

Sharon explains that it brings her joy to pretend Faith isn’t yet independent.CBS

Faith expresses concern that her mother’s actions might be out of pity because Moses broke up with her.

However, Sharon reassures her that it’s simply a gesture of love.

Determined, Faith declares she won’t let Moses spoil her summer any further.

Sharon advises her not to ignore her emotions, explaining that pretending her heart is healed will only prolong the healing process.


Faith admits it still hurts. Her mom says she can cry and they can eat ice cream.

Her daughter wonders if all the pain is worth it. Sharon reminds her of all the pain she and Nick went through but they have ended up friends.

She tries not to linger on feelings of regret. They are where they are supposed to be.

Faith doesn’t like to think of her being alone.


Sharon reminds her she has businesses, friends, and family.

Her daughter knows but also knows she is a romantic.

They talk about how special Ray was.

Faith sees the same look on her mom’s face when she’s around Nick.


Sharon plays that down but Faith reminds her of all she had with him. They had a life.

Her mom says that’s ancient history and they have moved on. It wouldn’t surprise her if Nick ended up with Phyllis.

Although her mind wanders to the painful past, she doesn’t spend too much time there.

What happened with Cassie was the worst.

She doesn’t think about her daughter every day but sometimes Mariah has expressions that bring her back.

They still bring flowers to her grave once a year.


She and Nick has embraced their future to honor her.

Faith wishes she’d known her.

As her mom tears up, they hug.


Faith is going to hang out with a friend from Walnut Grove.

She thanks her for making home somewhere she wants to return to.

At Society, Heather tells Daniel that her job interview did not go well.

He worries that people may be skittish about hiring her because of him.


They fill their daughter in on him putting the lawsuit against Chancellor-Winters in the past.

The company will be keeping Princess Louisa.

Their daughter thinks that’s the right move.

She knows she was the inspiration but she doesn’t need some game to be sure that he loves her.

Plus, she hated all the fighting.


Her parents are amazed she’s so compassionate and generous.

Daniel thanks her for understanding. It’s amazing and he’s proud of her.


The three of them almost cry about how kind they are.

Heather is surprised to hear that Lily wanted to end the case too. He needed to let this all go.

It was cathartic to put it in the past. The game will be part of the classic games library and that means it can never be changed.


This means that it will be preserved for her. Lucy thinks they should celebrate.

Her father adds Lily has also offered to make a contribution to her college fund.

Lucy thinks that’s cool and Heather is proud of him for making the right decision.


Faith shows up and Daniel makes introductions. Lucy recognizes Faith as the one who was kidnapped.

Her parents stop her from asking about that and she apologizes. Lucy is sure it was horrible.

Faith says she’s mostly past it and would be fine talking about it sometime.

Maybe they can grab coffee sometime.


After Faith rushes out, Sharon comes in to get some takeout and chats briefly with Daniel and his family.


As she gets the food, she stares at the family and flashes back to confronting Daniel about what happened to Cassie the night Daniel drove drunk and the accident resulted in her death.


She grabs her food and goes.

Lucy and her parents talk about what’s next.

She thinks they should travel but he thinks that whatever they will do will be great because they are together.


Nick sits down with Phyllis at Crimson Lights and asks her for an update on her life.


She’s vague. He’s okay with that. She’s surprised he’s not interrogating her more.

Phyllis says that unemployment has her feeling vulnerable. He offers to help.


She’s still vague. But if things go the way she’s planning, she will be delivering karmic payback to Chancellor-Winters.

He worries this means revenge but she insists otherwise. She’s just waiting for things to explode so she can take advantage of opportunities.

Nick wonders what vibes she’s reading. She has friends at the company who have been feeding her gossip.


He assumes that Billy is making trouble. She says he’s the only one interested in growing the company and Devon is stale.

Nick isn’t happy she’s defending Billy and worries she’s waiting for him to end up on top and offer her a place.

She accuses him of suggesting she’s waiting for a hand-out. No one is opening the door to her and she understands that.


Something has to happen soon.

That’s what worries him. Her being impulsive tends to blow up and he hopes the next place she goes is the right one.

He finishes the sermon and she thanks him for looking out for her.


As they hold hands, Sharon walks in and spots this.

She seems quite stunned by it.


At Chancellor-Winters, Devon and Nate prepare to act surprised when Billy and Lily deliver their news.


Billy and Lily stroll in and she announces it is time to move forward from all the in-fighting. She and Billy have come up with a scenario to stop it.


Mamie walks in, eager to hear what this plan is. Devon reminds her she’s not part of the decision making process.

She thought everyone would realize she just wanted them to avoid foolish decisions.


They go over settling the lawsuit and Devon demands that Mamie leave so they can have this meeting.

He doesn’t like to be so blunt but she can’t be there when they are talking about the future.

Mamie thinks he lacks compassion and suggests that his issues with Tucker might be his fault.


She says that Tucker genuinely cares about him and Glissade was just sold from right out beneath him.

Mamie adds that pushing away his family is something he may come to regret.

Once Mamie walks out, they talk about how bad they feel about Mamie and then remember to get back to the meeting.


Billy says the divide in the company is unsolvable. The merger feels like a failed vision and Lily agrees with him.

Lily backs that up. It’s time to split the companies.

She and Billy will run Chancellor and they will split everything they accumulated together.


Devon finds it hard to believe she would just walk away from Winters.

He accuses her of throwing away Neil’s legacy. His sister just wants the companies to grown and this makes good business sense.


Billy thinks this is the solution to their problems and he’s sure Devon will come around.

Devon wants to know why his sister is going to work at Chancellor.


She’s offended and he thinks that Billy is using her. That offends her even more.

Billy says that Devon always treats everyone else like they are the problem.

Devon thinks that this whole thing is just about Billy wanting to rename the company.


Billy wishes he would shut up and Lily repeats she is doing this because it is the best move.

Devon thinks they should wait until Abby returns to vote on this. Lily says they should give it a day or two.

Billy walks out. Lily accuses Devon of trying to sabotage their plan.


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