BREAKING NEWS!! Young & Restless Sally and Adam Very Heartbreaking 😭 News !! It Will Shock You.

The Young and the Restless continues its unpredictable storylines by having characters switch jobs

whenever they’re at a crossroads. In the May 28 episode, Adam revealed to Sally that he had

orchestrated her return to the design world as Chelsea’s replacement at Marchetti. According to Friday’s spoilers, Sally is set to be hired, and she and Summer will put their differences aside to collaborate.

While Adam’s support for Sally is commendable and Chelsea’s recommendation is generous, there are significant issues with this arrangement. The original Sally Spectra’s grand-niece, Sally Spectra 2.0, simply doesn’t measure up to her predecessor. Throughout her time on The Bold and the Beautiful, Sally was repeatedly told that her designs weren’t good enough. She even appointed her then-boyfriend Thomas as Spectra Fashion’s lead designer instead of herself. Toward the end of her stint on that show, her sketches were so subpar that she was nearly fired from Forrester Creations. She managed to keep her job by faking a terminal illness to keep her then-boyfriend Wyatt away from his ex.

Adam’s maneuvering to get Sally a job through Chelsea and Summer perpetuates a troubling pattern. Sally often relies on the men in her life to advance her career. On The Bold and the Beautiful, Thomas gave her money, Liam handed over Spectra Creations, and Wyatt convinced Bill to fund her. Sally is scrappy and smart, yet she always seems to need a man’s help to get ahead. This pattern has continued on The Young and the Restless with Adam and Nick supporting her.

Courtney Hope, who plays Sally, is aware of how this dynamic affects her character’s image. She doesn’t like that some people view Sally as a gold digger, insisting that Sally is not. Earlier this year, she told that Sally has the ability to succeed on her own and deserves the chance to prove it. If only The Young and the Restless would give her that opportunity.

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