BIGGEST BOMBSHELL!! Jack faces a mental crisis when faced with the risk of Jabot’s bankruptcy

Welcome to Soap Dirt, bringing you the latest in television entertainment news. Hey there, Y&R fans, it’s

Belinda from Soap Dirt with some explosive spoilers for “The Young and the Restless.” This week and

next week promise major developments for the CBS soap opera.

Starting Monday, June 10, 2024, season 37 episode 181, Bill Spencer welcomes Poppy Naawa and their daughter Luna into his home. As they settle in, Liam Spencer stops by, leading to dramatic revelations. Tuesday’s episode delves deeper into the dynamics between Luna, Bill, Liam, and Poppy, as seen on Monday.

Meanwhile, Hope and Finn share a steamy moment, but the show misleads fans with a dream sequence made to appear real. Steffy confronts Liam, and later sees Finn holding Hope’s hand at Forrester Creations, sparking jealousy and anger. On Tuesday, June 11, episode 182, Steffy gives Finn an ultimatum: stay away from both Sheila and Hope. Steffy views Hope not as a threat of an affair but as someone encouraging Finn to think independently, creating tension in their marriage.

Bill introduces Liam to Luna, and Katie Logan visits Poppy uninvited, expressing concern over Poppy’s intentions with Bill. Katie and Carter have apparently broken up off-screen, adding to the drama. Poppy handles Katie’s probing questions with finesse, showcasing her ability to manage difficult people like her sister, Lee Finnegan.

Wednesday, June 12, episode 183, brings shocking confessions as Hope reveals her feelings for Finn to her mother, Brooke Logan. Brooke, determined to prevent Hope from repeating her mistakes, will likely try to nip these feelings in the bud before they escalate.

Thursday, June 13, episode 184, sees Steffy shocked by Ridge’s new collection plans and Brooke’s new role. Brooke may have accepted Ridge’s job offer to protect Hope and her fashion line from Steffy’s influence. Hope turns to Finn for support, though Finn shows no romantic interest in her.

Friday, June 14, episode 185, Brooke keeps a secret about Hope’s feelings for Finn. Katie confronts Bill and Poppy about their sketchy past, shedding light on their less-than-romantic history at a music festival 20 years ago. This revelation could challenge the stability of their current relationship.

Looking ahead to June 17-21, expect Bill and Poppy to defend their relationship, while Brooke disapproves of Hope’s new affection for Finn. Brooke might call Thomas back to protect Hope from making rash decisions. Finn, frustrated with Steffy’s ultimatums, may reach a breaking point, adding tension to their relationship.

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