The Young And The Restless Spoiler Victor lies that Kyle is not Jack’s son – family hatred increases

In Genoa City, where power plays and family dynamics are constantly in flux, Victor Newman’s latest manipulation has ignited a storm.

Victor’s cunning plan has sowed seeds of doubt and resentment in Kyle Abbott’s mind, driving a deeper wedge between Kyle, his father Jack Abbott, and Diane Jenkins.

Victor observed Kyle’s growing frustrations with Jack and Diane. Despite being an Abbott, Kyle often felt sidelined and unappreciated. Victor seized this opportunity to turn Kyle against his family. One evening, Victor invited Kyle to his office under the pretense of discussing business. However, the conversation quickly became personal.

“Kyle, I’ve seen how hard you’ve been working,” Victor began, his tone deceptively sympathetic. “It’s a shame Jack and Diane don’t seem to appreciate your efforts.”

Kyle sighed, his frustration evident. “Yeah, sometimes it feels like no matter what I do, I’m never truly part of the family. They don’t trust me.”

Victor leaned in, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. “You know, there’s a reason for that. There’s something you should know. Jack never wanted to tell you this, but you deserve to know the truth. You see, Kyle, you’re not really Jack’s son. Jack couldn’t have children of his own, so he decided to raise you as his son, hoping it would be enough. But deep down, he never intended to hand over the Abbott legacy to someone who isn’t truly an Abbott.”

Kyle was stunned. He had always believed he was a true Abbott and took pride in his lineage. Victor’s words struck at the heart of his deepest insecurities. “That’s not possible,” Kyle stammered. “Why would Jack lie to me about something like that?”

Victor’s expression was one of feigned concern. “Jack wanted to keep up appearances, to maintain the illusion of a perfect family. But actions speak louder than words, don’t they? Look at how he’s treated you, how he’s always held you back. It’s because, in his eyes, you’ll never be a true Abbott.”

The fabricated story resonated with Kyle’s experiences, making a twisted kind of sense. Leaving Victor’s office, Kyle’s mind reeled with the doubts that had always lingered at the back of his mind now seemingly validated. His anger and resentment towards Jack and Diane grew, fueled by the belief that he had been deceived his entire life.

At home, Kyle’s demeanor changed. He became more withdrawn and hostile, particularly towards Jack and Diane. The tension in the Abbott household was palpable. One evening during a family dinner, the accumulated tension reached a breaking point. Kyle could no longer contain his anger. “Why have you always treated me like an outsider?” Kyle demanded, his voice shaking with emotion. “Is it because I’m not really your son, Jack? Because I’m not a true Abbott?”

The room fell silent as Jack, Ashley, Tracy, and Diane exchanged shocked and confused glances. “Kyle, what are you talking about?” Jack asked, genuinely baffled.

Kyle’s eyes flashed with anger. “Don’t lie to me. Victor told me everything. You couldn’t have children, so you decided to raise me as your own, but you never intended to treat me like a real Abbott.”

Jack’s face went pale, and Diane’s eyes filled with tears. Ashley and Tracy looked horrified. The lie that Victor had crafted was now tearing the family apart. “That’s not true, Kyle,” Jack said firmly, struggling to keep his composure. “I don’t know what Victor told you, but you’re my son in every way that matters. I love you and have always considered you an Abbott.”

Diane reached out to Kyle, her voice trembling. “Kyle, please, you have to believe us. Victor is manipulating you. Don’t let him destroy our family.”

But Kyle’s trust had been shattered. “You expect me to believe that? After everything, I’ve always felt like an outsider, and now I know why. I can’t trust you.”

Determined to uncover the truth, Kyle decided to have a DNA test done. He couldn’t live with the uncertainty any longer. The results would either confirm his worst fears or put an end to the doubts that Victor had sown. As the days passed, the Abbott family was on edge, each member dealing with the strain in their own way. Jack and Diane tried to reach out to Kyle, but he remained distant and mistrustful.

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