90 Day Fiance: Molly Hopkins Accused Of Trying To Emasculate Kelly & Insulting Him Publically!

90 Day Fiance fans have always loved Molly Hopkins.

She created headlines because of her massive weight loss transformation.

Hence, the celeb ended up becoming a role model for

all the people who were struggling with their weight.

Amid all this, Molly ended up parting ways with her partner Kelly Brown. The Last Resort is currently featuring her marriage’s last breath. But it seems that fans aren’t admiring her this time. Viewers couldn’t believe the way she has been treating and emasculating Kelly Brown on national television. Apparently, just because of her behavior, Molly has actually started to lose her fan following now!

90 day fiance

90 Day Fiance: Molly Hopkins Shows Her Real Side While Insulting Kelly!

Molly Hopkins, a popular 90 Day Fiance star agreed to give her relationship one last chance and decided to become a part of The Last Resort show. This platform provides them with some expert therapists who conduct sessions just to help them heal from their old wounds. Apparently, fans are well aware of the fact that Kelly and Molly have already ended their relationship. But they aren’t able to bear the way the latter is treating the former on national television. Viewers were in shock when Hopkins clearly refused to sit near Kelly in a therapy session.

90 Day Fiance


Molly didn’t even support Kelly when Big Ed was clearly insulting him after the infamous hot tub session. During another session, the former claimed that her partner didn’t have any respect for her. She called Kelly out for not respecting her as a mother and a business owner. Apparently, Molly’s body language and behavior were enough for her partner to have tears in his eyes. Soon, Kelly decided to leave the session because he simply couldn’t take more of Molly’s disguised insults. The way the former burst into tears and cried his heart out, fans weren’t able to witness it at all!

90 Day Fiance: Fans Slam Molly For Her Childish Yet Cruel Behaviour Towards Kelly

90 Day Fiance fans never expected that Molly would end up crossing all limits just because of her issues and frustration with Kelly. She has evidently been really rude to the latter till on The Last Resort. Hence, her behavior and body language are breaking the hearts of her die-hard fans! Apparently, viewers believe that though Molly was undergoing a messy split, she shouldn’t have been this cruel to Kelly. So, the audience that initially used to praise her ended up calling her out this time. A user claimed that Hopkins was actually trying really hard to make Kelly “look like the bad guy.”

90 Day Fiance


A fan even supported Kelly and requested him to spill the “real tea” now. Someone even accused Molly of “emasculating” her partner on national television. Many users slammed her on Twitter as they believed that Hopkin’s behavior wasn’t justified at all. Moreover, some fans thought that perhaps this was the real side of Molly while she was pretending to be a different person for years. Hence, it is evident that she is now losing her hard-earned fan following just because of her childish behaviour. Keep coming back to TV Season & Spoilers for all the latest 90 Day Fiance tea.

Source: https://www.tvseasonspoilers.com/news/90-day-fiance-molly-hopkins-accused-of-trying-to-emasculate-kelly-insulting-him-publically/

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